Nutritional needs and hormone production can change at any age. These changes can impact our physical, mental, and emotional states and make impossible demands on our hormonal system. These hormonal imbalances can affect men as well as women.
The professionals at Midwest Anti-Aging and Med Spa offer hormone therapy to achieve balance. Balance can decrease the effects of aging and slow the disease processes associated with aging. Increased energy, quality sleep and an overall better feeling of wellness can be achieved by addressing the issues of hormone imbalances with hormone therapy.
When approaching hormonal balance and wellness, Midwest Anti-Aging and Med Spa uses a full body medical approach. The use of pharmaceutical grade supplements and physician prescriptions allow the body to balance itself out. The goal of treatment is to provide the support that individuals need to achieve and sustain optimal health.
Under the direction of Board Certified Anti-Aging specialists Dr. Ayesha Akbar and Dr. Khaja Asadullah, Midwest Anti-Aging and Med Spa offers weight management, hormonal treatment for both men and women, cosmetic procedures, laser surgery and aesthetic services. The professionals are dedicated to their clients and committed to giving the best, state-of-the-art care available.
Bioidentical hormones (BIH) have been around for years, most practitioners are unfamiliar with them. They function exactly like those the body produces. BIH are manufactured in the lab to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. By contrast, synthetic hormones are intentionally different. Drug companies can't patent a bioidentical structure, so they invent synthetic hormones that are patentable (Premarin, Prempro, and Provera being the most widely used examples).
In our practice, we have had the greatest success with an individualized approach. We begin with laboratory tests of hormone levels (a so-called "hormone panel"). When warranted, we then prescribe a precise dosage of bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and/or DHEA that is prepared at a registered compounding pharmacy. Each patient is then monitored carefully through regular follow-up hormone panels to ensure she gets symptom relief at the lowest possible dosage. In the initial stages, we will do a hormone panel every three months. Once balance is restored, we'll do one panel a year at the time of the annual exam. Physicians also make sure that patients undergo yearly pap smears and mammograms, since elevated estrogen levels can lead to breast cancer.
We have found that about 85% can find relief through a natural approach that combines medical-grade nutritional supplements, gentle endocrine support, and dietary and lifestyle changes. In our experience, the great majority of women can rebalance their hormones without the use of drugs, and even without HRT in any form.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) - a better solution.
Hormone related symptoms during the feminine life cycle:
There are typically three types of hormones prescribed for BHRT: progesterone, androgens and estrogen.
BHRT is made of natural progesterone, estrogens and androgens as single or multiple-ingredient prescriptions. Because these hormones cannot be patented, the larger drug companies have shown little to no interest in the development and marketing of bio-identical products.
Progesterone is one of several sex hormones made by the human body. As women enter menopause, their levels of progesterone and other sex hormones decrease. This often leads to unwanted symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, low libido, depression, anxiety, food cravings, insomnia, cramps, emotional swings, weight gain and bloating.
Progesterone's role in hormone replacement therapy:
Testosterone, an androgen hormone, is an important hormone in women and men. It is important to the integrity of skin, muscle and bone. It can also protect against osteoporosis, obesity and diabetes- as well as loss of immune function. Testosterone's role in hormone replacement therapy:
The term "estrogen" refers to a group of related hormones, each with a unique activity. The three main estrogens women produce are: Estrone (E-1), Estradiol (E-2), Estriol (E-3). Estrogen's role in hormone replacement therapy:
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance for males:
Hormone Replacement Therapy is an answer to all the tired and exhausted men. The therapy is to replenish and maintain optimal level of hormones which are essential to a healthy being. At Midwest Anti-Aging and Medspa, our aim is to help you achieve and maintain your desired goals. A successful program takes time, patience, compliance, good communication and a partnership between each patient and our staff. While it is your individual journey, we embark on it with you to ensure the ultimate results you expect. At Midwest Anti-Aging and Medspa, we look forward to helping you achieve renewed health, zest and vitality.
Aging takes place at a more rapid pace when your hormones start to decline. Once your hormones start to decrease, your body starts to change as well. You tend to gain weight easier, you're not as athletic, you tend to be more up-tight about things, depressed more frequently - these are all signs that your hormone levels are beginning to drop. Natural hormones are protective and aging is related to the loss of these hormones. Replacing the hormones to youthful levels delays the aging process. Deficiency of Human Growth Hormone has also been associated with fatigue, poor muscle development, lack of drive and initiative, decreased endurance and strength, sagging breasts, sagging abdomen and poor self esteem. Without a doubt, Human Growth Hormone can counter these adverse effects.
All major studies have documented these improvements in body composition and function. If you are serious about starting an anti-aging program, remember that all good programs consist of discipline and commitment in five major areas: HGH replacement, proper diet, nutrition, exercise and sleep.
The effects of aging are largely due to the decrease in our body's production of growth hormone. Recently, a new therapy called Sermorelin has become very popular in increasing the low production and battling the effects of aging.
Sermorelin is a synthetically manufactured version of a natural substance that is produced by our bodies. It works by naturally stimulating our body to increase more production of the Human Growth Hormone. Sermorelin also promotes the healthy function of the pituitary gland during the aging process. By using Sermorelin to increase the release of our body's natural growth hormone, we can realize youthful effects for anti-aging and age-management.
Sermorelin is only available by prescription and dosage level needs to be monitored so that it is appropriate for your needs.
There is a gradual decline in the level of testosterone in all men as they age. This natural decline starts around age 30 and continues through life.
Many men however, experience a lack of testosterone production sufficient to result in significant symptoms. This will have applied to approximately 50% of men by the time they reach age 55.
Testosterone is the hormone produced by the testicles. It is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics. It also modulates the dilation of the arteries, promoting the circulation of blood and is responsible for the maintenance of muscle bulk. Without an adequate testosterone level there can be important psychological effects such as loss of libido (low sex drive) reduced brain and intellectual activity and mood changes. Low levels of testosterone may result in an increase in central and upper body fat, a decline in the amount of muscle in the body and a decline in strength. Osteroporosis which may lead to hip and spinal fractures may also occur. The bone marrow is less active and produces less hemoglobin and red blood cells which transport oxygen around the body.
Lack of testosterone can also be a cause of high cholesterol levels. Depressed mood, anxiety and problems associated with concentration and memory are associated with low levels of testosterone. Heart disease may also be linked to low testosterone levels. The aim of treatment is to normalize the low level of testosterone in the blood stream by returning the blood testosterone level to a more "youthful" level. Side effects are rare as it is the deficiency of testosterone that causes the symptoms. While there is no evidence to suggest that testosterone replacement therapy causes prostate cancer, it should never be given to patients who already have prostate cancer. Tests for the presence of prostate cancer must always be undertaken prior to treatment.
Testosterone abuse can lead to serious side effects like heart attack, liver failure, enlarged prostate, and stroke. Proper dose monitoring is essential. During treatment, the doctors at Midwest Anti-Aging will make sure your levels of testosterone are closely monitored and doses are adjusted accordingly.
PHONE: (815) 277-5229
ADDRESS: 10189 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, IL, 60423
Serving Frankfort, New Lenox, Mokena, Tinley Park, and other surrounding areas